Instituto de Estudios sobre
Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Master Eguna: presentación de los másteres del Instituto Hegoa

Master Eguna: presentación de los másteres del Instituto Hegoa

Dirigido a: Alumnado de grado
Next Thursday, February 18, will take place the presentation of the masters of the Hegoa Institute for the 21/22 academic year, both in person (in room 22 of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the Leioa campus) and online (at this link):

13: 30-13: 45 - Master's Degree in Globalization and Development (Online and On-site)
13: 45-14: 00 - Master's Degree in International Development and Cooperation (Online and Face-to-face)
14: 00-14: 15 - Own Master's Degree in International Cooperation and Emancipatory Education (Online and Face-to-Face)
17: 15-17: 30 - Master's Degree in International Development and Cooperation (Online only)
17: 30-17: 45 - Master's Degree in Globalization and Development (Online only)
18: 15-18: 30 - Own Master's Degree in International Cooperation and Emancipatory Education (Only Online)

More information about the presentations.

More information about the Master's Degree in Globalization and Development.

More information about the Master's Degree in International Development and Cooperation.

More information about the Master's Degree in International Cooperation and Emancipatory Education.


  • Fecha/hora inicio
    18 de Febrero 2021, 13:30
  • Fecha/hora fin
    18 de Febrero 2021, 18:30
  • Lugar